開課班級Class: | 授課教師Teacher: | 學分數Credits: |
四幼保三A | 楊璧琿 | 2 |
課程大綱Course Description: |
本課程為第一學期課程,主要內容包含認識幼兒園教材及教具、幼兒園教學型態與教學方法、認識幼兒各領域之能力發展與學習理論。本學期重點在熟悉課綱中身體動作與健康、認知及語文領域課程目標與實施原則。結合統整性課程設計理念,在地取材,據以編寫活動設計,進行試教或口頭報告,並撰寫省思和修正教學活動設計。 |
English Outline: |
This course is the first semester. The main content includes understanding kindergarten teaching materials and teaching aids, kindergarten teaching styles and teaching methods, and understanding children's ability development and learning theories in various fields. This semester focuses on familiarizing with the curriculum goals and implementation principles in the fields of physical movement and health, cognition and Chinese in the curriculum. Combined with the concept of integrated curriculum design, local materials are used to compile activity design, trial teaching or oral report, and write reflection and revision of teaching activity design. |
本科目教學目標Course Objectives: |
1.認識統整性課程理論及幼兒園教學實例,並能應用遊戲於教學。 2.了解學習區的規畫與運作。 3.熟悉課綱中身體動作與健康、認知及語文領域課程目標與實施原則。 4.結合統整性課程設計理念,在地取材,編寫教學活動設計與試教的能力。 5.運用教學媒體及在地資源於教保活動。 |
教學型態Teaching Models: | 成績考核方式Grading: |
課堂教學+小組討論 | 平時成績General Performance:10% 期中考Midterm Exam:% 期末考Final exam:30% 其它 Other:業師講座心得: 10 % 實務技巧演練: 50 % (兩次小組教案書寫與演練,每次各佔25%) |
參考書目Textbooks/References: |
1. 幼兒園教保活動課程大綱(教育部105年公告、106.8.1正式生效) 2. 幼兒園教保活動課程大綱推廣Q&A手冊 3.《幼兒園教保活動課程手冊》上冊、下冊 4. 幼兒園課程與教學品質評估表-2020版 幼兒園教保活動統整課程規劃與實施 |
SDGs指標: |
UCAN職業項目: |
課程更新狀態: | 課程匯入時間Import Time:2021-06-29 08:25:09 |
最後更新時間Last Modified:,更新人modified by: |