開課班級Class: 授課教師Teacher: 學分數Credits:
楊宗樺 1
課程大綱Course Description:
本課程主要針對學生日常生活所需要、所要學習到的不論在社交上或工作上相關之題材而作之安排設計,其目的在幫助學生建立敢用英語交談或溝通之信心。 其學習方法包括:(1)被動的聽力練習。(2)主動的參與。(3)英語字彙的開發及增強。
English Outline:
This course is intended for students who have studied English previously but need further practice in understanding simple conversational language. Topics introduced in this course relate to everyday life such as family, shopping, or directions. Students will practice listening for a variety of purposes and head different types of English including casual conversations, instructions, directions, requests, descriptions, apologies and suggestions.
本科目教學目標Course Objectives:
教學型態Teaching Models: 成績考核方式Grading:
課堂教學+小組討論  平時成績General Performance:40%
期中考Midterm Exam:25%
期末考Final exam:25%
其它 Other:10%
Wilson, K. (2016). Smart Choice 2. (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.
課程匯入時間Import Time:2020-07-07 13:43:48
最後更新時間Last Modified:,更新人modified by: