The University of Pingtung University of Science and Technology is a comprehensive university in southern Taiwan. The school is currently divided into four colleges with a total of 59 departments, including 15 departments of the Institute of Engineering, and 15 departments of the College of Management, and the Department of Management Science and Management of the School of Management. The experimental and internship courses offered by the Department of Tourism Management Department in 25 departments will involve the safety and health of student experiments or internships. In view of this, the Environmental Science Research Center and the General Education Center in order to strengthen the school. The safety education concept of the university students in the experimental class, as well as the concept of safety and health in the future employment in the workplace, especially looking for the safety and health teachers of the school to open a series of safety and health courses, has the obligation and responsibility to promote the concept of ERC to Pingtung Science and Technology the University.