The course content will first cover frameworks for food safety risk analysis, and continue with a discussion of national food safety risk management. The workshop will emphasize quantitative risk assessment, and will use quantitative microbiological risk assessments as a platform to discuss basic concepts of food safety risk assessment and focus on the application of statistical tools and quantitative risk assessment methods. Participants will be trained in basic concepts involved in conducting risk analysis in order to be gain skills necessary to conduct risk analyses following the completion of the workshop.
- Teacher: 陳又嘉 Chen Yo-Chia
- Teacher: 羅之綱 Chih – Kang Lo
- Teacher: 李宏萍 Hong-Ping Li
- Teacher: 黃福龍 Huang Fu Long
- Teacher: 龔得安 Ta-An Kung
- Teacher: 吳明昌 Wu Ming-Chang
- Teacher: 余旭勝 Yu Hsu-Sheng