This course aims to introduce the fundamental concepts of behavior guidance for young children, providing students with the knowledge and tools to make informed choices in guiding children's behavior. Through case studies and discussions on common behavioral issues in young children, the course will explore and propose counseling strategies or preventive methods. The primary objective is to empower students to understand and address behavioral challenges in young children, promoting positive guidance and offering effective counseling strategies. In this course, students will learn how to observe and assess children's behavior to understand their underlying needs and intentions. They will acquire the skills to identify and comprehend common behavioral problems in young children, such as emotional instability, defiance, and separation anxiety. Through case analysis and group discussions, students will have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge and techniques to develop targeted counseling strategies. Furthermore, the course will emphasize the importance of preventive methods. Students will learn how to create a supportive environment that fosters positive behavior and self-regulation in young children. They will also learn to collaborate with parents and other educators to develop and implement preventive approaches.