開課班級Class: 授課教師Teacher: 學分數Credits:
四幼保二A 蔡明憲 3
課程大綱Course Description:
English Outline:
The purposes of this course are to facilitate students’ awareness and knowledge of healthy developmental environment for young children. After the class, students will be able to provide healthy, safe, and developmentally appropriate environment for young children. Course content include health beliefs of early childhood care providers, physiological development and care of young children, health promotion for young children, nutritional requirements for young children, common childhood illnesses and care, infectious diseases and prevention, and safe environment for young children. Skills related to personal hygiene, nutritional food choices and preparation, medication administration, minor trauma management, and emergency handling procedures will be stressed in this course in order to enhance students’ abilities in providing developmentally appropriate and physiologically sound quality care for young children.
本科目教學目標Course Objectives:
教學型態Teaching Models: 成績考核方式Grading:
課堂教學  平時成績General Performance:20%
期中考Midterm Exam:30%
期末考Final exam:30%
其它 Other:出缺勤20%
課程匯入時間Import Time:2021-06-29 08:25:09
最後更新時間Last Modified:,更新人modified by: