開課班級Class: 授課教師Teacher: 學分數Credits:
歐陽玉光 2
課程大綱Course Description:
(一) 刑法總則案例內容:從日常生活常見案例說明刑法總則基本原理、犯罪構成要件、有責性、違法性、刑罰論等概念。
(四) 刑法分則國家法益內容:從日常生活常見侵害刑法國家法益之案例,說明國家法益重要規定,使學生遵守規範不逾矩。
(七) 刑事訴訟法審判程序案例內容:從日常生活常見刑事案件,說明刑事審判程序重要規定,使學生明瞭相關規範。
English Outline:
(1) General principles of criminal law Case content: From the common cases of daily life, the concepts of the general principles of criminal law, the constitutional elements of crime, the responsibility, the illegality, and the theory of penalty are explained.
(2) The criminal law sub-individual law benefit content: from the common daily life of criminal law violations of personal legal interests of the case, to illustrate the important provisions of individual legal interests, so that students abide by the rules are not overstepped.
(3) Principles of criminal law The content of social law: From the common cases of everyday life that infringe criminal law and social law, the important provisions of social law are explained, so that students can not abide by the rules.
(4) The contents of national laws and interests of the criminal law: From the cases of common national law violations of daily life that infringe on the criminal law, the important provisions of the national laws and interests are explained, so that students can not abide by the rules.
(5) Principles of the Criminal Procedure Law Basic case content: From the common criminal cases in daily life, the concepts of principles and principles of the criminal procedure are explained.
(6) Contents of the investigation procedure of the criminal procedure law: From the common criminal cases of daily life, the important provisions of the criminal investigation procedure are explained so that the students can understand the relevant regulations.
(7) Contents of the trial procedure of the criminal procedure law: From the common criminal cases in daily life, the important provisions of the criminal trial procedure are explained, so that the students understand the relevant regulations.
本科目教學目標Course Objectives:
一、 法律是社會科學,也是廣義管理學一環,它無時無刻存在於我們日常生活周遭,也是平衡、管理社會秩序與建構制度的重要依據。從「通識法學,法學通識」精神言之,為使學生明瞭日常生活蘊藏法律規範與價值,首先以案例為導引,讓學生產生問題意識,進而介紹相關法律概念,並具體說明法的運用與內涵,期使學生能循序漸進建立應有法治觀念。
教學型態Teaching Models: 成績考核方式Grading:
課堂教學  平時成績General Performance:40%
期中考Midterm Exam:30%
期末考Final exam:30%
其它 Other:出席率占平常成績20%
課程匯入時間Import Time:2021-06-29 08:06:46
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