開課班級Class: 授課教師Teacher: 學分數Credits:
四水保一A 江介倫 2
課程大綱Course Description:
English Outline:
The purpose of this course is to make the students understand the basic knowledge and technique of surveying about the agriculture, forest , and engineering . So the students can be trained to know the how (the practice) and the why (the theory) to use the art of surveying. The contains include fundamental concept, essential feature and use of principal surveying instruments, measurement of distant and angles and direction, measurement of difference in elevation, differential leveling, volumes of earthwork, errors and error compared, map drafting, triangulation, traverse surveying, calculation of area of land, topographic surveying, route surveying.
本科目教學目標Course Objectives:
教學型態Teaching Models: 成績考核方式Grading:
課堂教學  平時成績General Performance:%
期中考Midterm Exam:%
期末考Final exam:%
其它 Other:
課程匯入時間Import Time:2019-07-18 11:43:56
最後更新時間Last Modified:,更新人modified by: