開課班級Class: 授課教師Teacher: 學分數Credits:
四植醫一A 許舜傑 2
課程大綱Course Description:
1.為求提高學生之閱讀、思考與欣賞、寫作能力,本課程概分為閱讀與寫作兩大部份平均教授之。 2.閱讀部份再區分為「古典文學」與「現代文學」兩大部份,古典文學中包含歷代古文名篇、駢文辭賦、詩歌詞曲等,現代文學則包含散文、小說、新詩等。 3.授課教材於開學前由各國文老師自行選定編製,選文內容以兼顧文學性、典範性、現代性和本土性為原則,以期培養學生之文學鑒賞能力暨道德文化涵養。 4.寫作部份除每學期課堂習作二至五篇外,另由授課教師指定課外閱讀教材,並撰寫讀書報告,俾進一步提高學生的國文聽說讀寫能力。
English Outline:
1.The purpose of this course aims to promote students’ abilities of reading, thinking, appreciating and writing in Chinese. It is equally divided into Reading part and Writing part. 2.The selecting articles then divide into two parts: the classics and the modern literature. There are ancient prose, rhymed composition, verse in the classics and contemporary prose, novel, and poems in the modern literature. 3.All articles are chosen collaboratively by every teacher in view of representative and current so that to cultivate the literary appreciating ability and cultural character. 4.Besides the writing exercise in classroom for 2 to 3 pieces each semester, some extracurricular books as supplemental material will be appointed and the reading report should be handed in. By this kind of teaching, the student’ level in Chinese writing could be promoted.
本科目教學目標Course Objectives:
教學型態Teaching Models: 成績考核方式Grading:
課堂教學  平時成績General Performance:%
期中考Midterm Exam:%
期末考Final exam:%
其它 Other:課堂作業(古典詩、現代詩創作)20%; 期中作業(散文、圖文創作)20%; 期末小組報告(展覽)30%; 出席與課堂討論20%(到課即加2分,每週點名確保評分公正,按學校規定請假視同出席); 加分方式:參加本校圖書館藝文活動撰寫心得,見「加分作業區」說明。 **以上所有課程作業必須是個人或小組創作,請勿抄襲網路文章,勿用AI代寫作業,如違反規定該項作業不算分。
課程匯入時間Import Time:2024-01-23 08:36:28
最後更新時間Last Modified:2024-02-21 00:04:34,更新人modified by:許舜傑