開課班級Class: 授課教師Teacher: 學分數Credits:
四機械一B 王栢村 2
課程大綱Course Description:
1. 本課程介紹蒐集及閱讀文獻方法與技巧;文獻格式之書寫以及文獻回顧撰寫;擬定研究規劃方法;實務專題研究計畫書格式及撰寫;實務專題報告格式及撰寫;口頭報告準備與技巧。(知識)
2. 針對配合技術報告撰寫之工具軟體(WORD、POWERPOINT、EXCEL、Acrobat Reader、Grapher等)使用技巧簡介。(技能)
3. 培養學生具備敬業、負責、勤奮、合作等職業道德及良好之閱讀與寫作方法(態度)
4. 其他相關寫作之主題:求職信、履歷表、自傳;推薦甄試讀書計畫、推薦信;面談技巧;會議通知、議程、紀錄,公文格式;備忘錄、信件、傳真格式等(其他)
English Outline:
This course introduces how to do the searching and reading works of literature, including the topics about reference list format and literature review writing. Research planning is also presented, especially for senior research projects. Both the proposal and final report format will be introduced as well as oral presentation techniques. For the preparation of a technical report, the techniques in using several tool softwares, such as WORD, PowerPoint, EXCEL, Acrobat Reader, Grapher and etc., will be taught. Other related writing subtopics, such as the cover letter, resume, autobiography, study plan, recommendation letter, interview technique, meeting announcement, meeting agenda, meeting summary, formal document, memorandum, letter and etc., will also be discussed.
本科目教學目標Course Objectives:
1. 本課程介紹蒐集及閱讀文獻方法與技巧;文獻格式之書寫以及文獻回顧撰寫;擬定研究規劃方
2. 針對配合技術報告撰寫之工具軟體(WORD、POWERPOINT、EXCEL、Acrobat Reader、Grapher
3. 培養學生具備敬業、負責、勤奮、合作等職業道德及良好之閱讀與寫作方法(態度)
4. 其他相關寫作之主題:求職信、履歷表、自傳;推薦甄試讀書計畫、推薦信;面談技巧;會議
教學型態Teaching Models: 成績考核方式Grading:
課堂教學  平時成績General Performance:60%
期中考Midterm Exam:20%
期末考Final exam:20%
其它 Other:平時成績:出席率,問卷調查。 沒有出席,看課程錄影,繳交一頁,手寫課程紀錄筆記--20% 閱讀paper心得報告:2中文 + 2英文,期刊論文或研討會論文--20% 聽演講心得報告:4次專題演講。20個提問+心得分享--20% 期中作業:一篇期刊論文的心得分享報告。製作PPT,口頭報告--20% 繳交錄影口頭報告:5分鐘 期末作業:專案研習心得報告,2中文+2英文,期刊論文或研討會論文--20% 製作PPT,口頭報告。錄影口頭報告:8分鐘
1. Helgeson, D. V., 1985, Handbook for Writing Technical Proposals that Win Contracts, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
2. Houp, K. W., and Pearsall, T. E., 1984, Reporting Technical Information, 5th Ed., Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
3. Day, R. A., 1988, How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Oryx Press, New York.
4. 王貳瑞,1995,實務專題製作與報告寫作,華泰書局,台北。
5. 羅欽煌,2001,工程寫作與表達,全華科技圖書公司,台北。
6. 王貳瑞,2003,學術論文寫作,東華書局,台北
課程匯入時間Import Time:2024-01-23 08:36:28
最後更新時間Last Modified:2024-01-23 09:08:31,更新人modified by: