開課班級Class: 授課教師Teacher: 學分數Credits:
陳振剛 2
課程大綱Course Description:
English Outline:
The goal of this English Reading course is to equip students with the abilities to understand high-intermediate written English and to obtain the reading skills as follows:
1.Recalling main ideas and details
2.Identifying organization patterns
3.Recognizing tone and point of view
4.Expanding vocabulary, phrases, terms and expressions
5.Evaluating content: critical reading and thinking
6.Analyzing structure of complicated sentences
7.Reading between the lines
8.Developing skills for skimming and scanning
9.Developing fluency in reading
本科目教學目標Course Objectives:
The goal of this English Reading course is to equip students with the abilities to understand high-intermediate written English and to obtain the reading skills as follows:
1.Recalling main ideas and details
2.Identifying organization patterns
3.Recognizing tone and point of view
4.Expanding vocabulary, phrases, terms and expressions
5.Evaluating content: critical reading and thinking
6.Analyzing structure of complicated sentences
7.Reading between the lines
8.Developing skills for skimming and scanning
9.Developing fluency in reading
教學型態Teaching Models: 成績考核方式Grading:
課堂教學  平時成績General Performance:30%
期中考Midterm Exam:25%
期末考Final exam:25%
其它 Other:英文能力普測-多益閱讀:10% EasyTest線上平台 6、7、8、9回閱讀部分 10% (請同學在第8週上課前,完成6、7回閱讀部分; 第16週上課前完成8、9回閱讀部分,每回合閱讀必須達到250分才算。) 學期成績考核方式: 1. 英語能力普測-多益閱讀(10%): (1) 於期末考週舉行「英語能力普測」-多益閱讀 (2) 欲熟悉題型,可至Easy Test線上平台(https://easytest.npust.edu.tw/) 選擇「TOEIC模擬測驗」練習6、7、8、9回 (非題庫,且不另計分) 2. 自學(5%,下列擇一): *112-2起「取消」自學區和自學護照。 (1) 基礎英文課程(18小時):基礎英文(字彙)(文法)(聽力) (詳見選課系統) (2) 計畫課程(22.5小時):多益加強班(詳見海報) (3) 其他:外語活動建議每2小時換算1分總分 註:大一英文與英聽的自學成績「不可重複採計」。例如:若學生之英文與英聽課皆有自學5%成績之要求,則需選修上述「任2門」語言中心開設之課程。故建議老師登記自學時,回收出席時數/參與證明。 3. 調整級數:可憑校外英檢或上學期成績單,於加退選週周四中午至語言中心申請上調級數(下調級數需持未及格成績單和任課老師推薦函)
Reflect Reading & Writing 5 (National Geographic Learning)
課程匯入時間Import Time:2024-01-23 08:13:52
最後更新時間Last Modified:2024-02-22 11:43:15,更新人modified by:陳振剛