開課班級Class: | 授課教師Teacher: | 學分數Credits: |
四財金學士學程二A | 汪少偉 | 2 |
課程大綱Course Description: |
憲法為國家根本大法,規範政府組織、架構與職權,以及人民的基本權利義務。本課程經由對中華民國憲法與歷次增修條文內容的介紹和評析、探討當前各種憲政議題、並適時介紹世界主要民主國家的憲政制度,使學生了解我國憲政體制的運作及國民的權利義務,以具備民主、人權、法治的修養。本課程內容包括:(1)憲法的基本概念與國家體制;(2)憲法的變遷與成長;(3)人民的權利與義務;(4)政府(總統及五院)組織、職權、運作、及其相互關係;以及(5)中央與地方之權限和地方制度;(6)基本國策等。 |
English Outline: |
The Constitution is the fundamental law of the Republic of China, regulating the organization, structure and powers of the government and fundamental human rights and obligations. This course examines the current constitutional issues by introducing and reviewing the Constitution of the Republic of China and the previous Constitutional Amendments. It also introduces the constitutional system of major democracies of the world in a timely manner so that students can better understand the operation of our country's constitutional system and the rights and obligations of citizens, education of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. The contents of this course include: (1) the basic concepts and state system of the Constitution; (2) the change and growth of the Constitution; (3) the rights and obligations of the people; (4) the government organizations, authority, operations and their interrelationships; and (5) the powers of the central and local administrative authorities; (6) the guiding and fundamental national policies and so on. |
本科目教學目標Course Objectives: |
瞭解憲法 運用憲法 遵守憲法 |
教學型態Teaching Models: | 成績考核方式Grading: |
課堂教學 | 平時成績General Performance:40% 期中考Midterm Exam:30% 期末考Final exam:30% 其它 Other:1.作業四次,每次占總成績10% 2.期中與期末為筆試 |
參考書目Textbooks/References: |
作者:謝政道 書名:中華民國憲法 出版社:華立圖書 出版日期:2020年09月01日 1.李銘義主編,《民主憲政與法治》,高雄:麗文文化事業,民國95年9月。 2.徐振雄,《憲法學導論》,台北:高立圖書公司,民國93年6月初版。 3.李銘義,于惠清,吳大平,林信雄等編,《憲法與人權》,新學林出版社,2007年9月,ISBN: 978-986-6729-05-8。 4 晏揚清,《中華民國憲法》,高立圖書公司,民國95年7月三版。 5.呂炳寬等著,《中華民國憲法精義》,(台北:五南出版社,2006年3月)。 6.朱坤茂,<人權法治與品德教育>,2005年。取材自http://www.tnh.moj.gov.tw |
SDGs指標: |
UCAN職業項目: |
課程更新狀態: | 課程匯入時間Import Time:2023-07-04 11:16:25 |
最後更新時間Last Modified:2023-07-27 12:21:31,更新人modified by:汪少偉 |