開課班級Class: | 授課教師Teacher: | 學分數Credits: |
四農園一A | 趙浩然 | 1 |
課程大綱Course Description: |
本課程為配合非主修有機化學者之教材而開設,期促使學生熟悉一般實驗技術,並從實驗中增加對教材之了解,除物理常數之測定外,並依各官能基之不同化合物逐一實驗:烷、烯、炔、苯、有機鹵化物、醇、醚、醛、酸、酸衍生物及胺等,每一實驗的重點是在不同官能基所產生的不同化學反應試驗。 |
English Outline: |
This course is designed in conjunction with the lectures for the non-organic chemistry majors. It intends to provide students a profound understanding of the subjects from laboratory practices and to familiar with basic laboratory techniques. In addition to the measurements of physical constants, the course is carried out according to the functional groups which are alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, benzenes, organic halides, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, the derivatives of carboxylic acids, and amines. Each experiment emphasizes on the common chemical properties corresponding to the functional groups. |
本科目教學目標Course Objectives: |
1.以果樹、蔬菜、花卉、農藝、特藥用作物及園林景觀為主軸,建立熱帶農業科技基礎能力。 2.配合產業趨勢、培育學生具備栽培管理、生理、育種改良、生物科技及園產品處理等基本專業技術。 3.培育兼具現代科學基礎理論、應用、生產技術及永續經營之專業實務人才。 |
教學型態Teaching Models: | 成績考核方式Grading: |
課堂教學+小組討論 | 平時成績General Performance:40% 期中考Midterm Exam:20% 期末考Final exam:20% 其它 Other:20 |
參考書目Textbooks/References: |
自編教材 |
SDGs指標: |
UCAN職業項目: |
農業經營人才,生技研發人才,植物研究發展與應用人才,生技研發人才,植物研究發展與應用人才 |
課程更新狀態: | 課程匯入時間Import Time:2023-02-01 09:46:42 |
最後更新時間Last Modified:2023-02-01 09:50:05,更新人modified by: |