開課班級Class: | 授課教師Teacher: | 學分數Credits: |
僑農園精緻熱農科二A | 洪辰雄 | 3 |
課程大綱Course Description: |
本課程內容是講授各種農業機械的特性及用途與工廠作業設施,內容包括工廠實習、農業動力與農業作業機械三大部份,農業動力主要介紹發動機(包括汽、柴油引擎及電力馬達)。作業機則介紹整地、播種、中耕除草、灌溉、病蟲害防治、施肥、收穫、運搬等機具及農產品收穫後處理加工機具與溫室環控設施之植物工廠,另外其他工程機械在農業上應用的介紹與實務操作。課程講授並配合實習使學生能實務操作提升專業技能。 |
English Outline: |
The content of this course is to teach the characteristics and uses of various agricultural machinery and factory operation facilities. The content includes three parts: factory practice, agricultural power and agricultural operation machinery. Agricultural power mainly introduces engines (including gasoline, diesel engines and electric motors). The operating machine introduces the plant factories of soil preparation, sowing, cultivating and weeding, irrigation, pest control, fertilization, harvesting, transportation and other equipment, as well as post-harvest processing equipment for agricultural products and greenhouse environmental control facilities. Practical operation. Course lectures and internships enable students to practice and improve their professional skills. |
本科目教學目標Course Objectives: |
具有科學及農機工程知識,能運用邏輯分析與實證的能力。 明瞭農業機械產業發展方向與所需農業機械工程實務設計技能。 能自我定位與持續學習。 具有道德倫理、科技法律、人性關懷及奉獻社會的基本認知。 培養具有與國際接軌的農機工程能力。 |
教學型態Teaching Models: | 成績考核方式Grading: |
課堂教學+實習 (校內、校外) | 平時成績General Performance:20% 期中考Midterm Exam:20% 期末考Final exam:30% 其它 Other:包括:出缺勤、作業、實務操作。30% |
參考書目Textbooks/References: |
生物產業機械、農業機械、農業動力、農機管理與安全、各農機廠家機具操作修護保養手冊 |
SDGs指標: |
UCAN職業項目: |
課程更新狀態: | 課程匯入時間Import Time:2023-02-01 09:35:38 |
最後更新時間Last Modified:2023-02-09 16:07:55,更新人modified by:洪辰雄 |