開課班級Class: 授課教師Teacher: 學分數Credits:
四森林四A 陳建璋 2
課程大綱Course Description:
English Outline:
This course is an attempt to give the students the basic idea and method of forest management in order to prepare the management plan; Place of forest management in forestry; Content of forest management; Guide principles of forest management; Sustained working; Silvicultural system; Forest yield; Increment; Volume increment; Quality increment; Price increment; Total price increment; Forest maturity; Indicating percent; Productive stage; Physical rotation; Technical rotation; Rotation of maximum volume yield; Highest forest rent rotation; Financial rotation; Cutting cycle of selection system; Normal forest; Normal distribution of age classes; Normal arrangement of stands; Normal increment; Normal growing stock; Normal yield; Improvement of actual forest; Reserve forest; Reserve fund; Planning and plan of forest management; Forest regulation; Area allotment; Volume allotting method; Volume frame work; Area-volume combined frame work; Growing stock; Utilization percent method; Difference method; Pure age-class; Growth method; Control method; Forest subdivision; Forest surveying; Forest survey; Certainty of future policy of forest; Selection of species; Decision of silvicultural system; Decision of rotation; Regulation of future yield; Preparation of management plan; Working the plan; Control and revision of management plan.
本科目教學目標Course Objectives:
教學型態Teaching Models: 成績考核方式Grading:
課堂教學  平時成績General Performance:30%
期中考Midterm Exam:30%
期末考Final exam:40%
其它 Other:
課程匯入時間Import Time:2022-07-13 09:36:01
最後更新時間Last Modified:2022-07-13 10:07:28,更新人modified by: