開課班級Class: 授課教師Teacher: 學分數Credits:
農企管碩士學程一A 劉原池 2
課程大綱Course Description:
本課程乃針對本校熱帶農業研究所之外籍研究生開設,旨在訓練並增進所有外籍生之中文運用能力,令其得以中文與他人交談溝通,以免因語言不通造成生活上之不便;並進而令其明瞭臺灣之社會民情,以應日後國際交流之需。 本課程係以遠東圖書公司出版之《遠東生活華語(一)》為主要教本,並隨時視需要作教材補充。 一、單字發音練習與意義解說 二、實用句型認識與練習 三、會話練習 通過漢語拼音學習中文正確發音,並輔以英文詳細解說每一內容之意義,授課主要目的為有能力聽、讀、說、寫,除教本中所有的例句與課文均加以充分練習之外,且於每單元教授結束後,令每一位同學以兩人為一組,即席會話表演,不僅加深印象,並確認其確實懂得如何靈活運用所學內容,以收具體之學習效果。
English Outline:
This course is offered to the international students at the Institute of Tropical Agriculture with the purpose to enhance their Chinese ability in communication with local people and to minimize inconvenience in their daily life. The ultimate goal of this course is to improve the international students’ understanding of Taiwan’s culture and society to meet the increasingly important need of international communication. This course uses ‘Far East Everyday Chinese(BookⅠ) ’ as its textbook, which was published by Far East Book Co.. Other materials, if deemed appropriate, will also be included in the course. The contents of this course are listed as follows: 1. Phonetic spelling exercise and explanation of the meaning of vocabulary; 2. Recognition and practice of commonly used sentences; and 3. Conversation practices. This course aims at teaching students the correct Chinese pronunciation through the use of its Romanized spelling. The main purpose of this course is to enhance students’ ability in listening, reading, speaking and writing. In addition to practicing the sampled sentences and other contents in the textbook, students will be grouped into pairs to practice conversation after finishing the instruction of each unit. This practice will not only enhance students’ memory but also ensure students’ ability to effectively apply the knowledge that they learn into practice. This will improve the effectiveness of students’ learning of Chinese.
本科目教學目標Course Objectives:
教學型態Teaching Models: 成績考核方式Grading:
課堂教學  平時成績General Performance:15%
期中考Midterm Exam:30%
期末考Final exam:40%
其它 Other:15% 平時測驗、作業
課程匯入時間Import Time:2022-07-13 09:36:01
最後更新時間Last Modified:2022-09-14 14:04:06,更新人modified by:劉原池