開課班級Class: 授課教師Teacher: 學分數Credits:
四資管三A 蔡正發 3
課程大綱Course Description:
雲端運算與分散式資料庫是一門以資料庫技術為主,並涵蓋多領域之學科,其中包含了分散式運算、資料庫技術、人工智慧、機器學習、統計、圖型辨識、知識系統、知識獲取、資訊存取、高效能計算與資料視覺等學科。本課程內容包含以下主題: 1.軟體即服務2.平台即服務3.硬體設施即服務4.虛擬化技術5.多租戶架構6.雲端運算效能7.分散式資料庫之查詢處理與交易管理8.資料倉儲與線上分析處理9.資料探勘與知識挖掘 10.NoSQL大數據分析 11.Hadoop與Map Reduce 12.使用Weka及Mongo軟體進行資料分析。在本課程中,學生可依自己之喜好選擇以實作導向或應用導向為基礎之專題研究報告。
English Outline:
Cloud computing and distributed databases is a multidisciplinary field, drawing work from areas including distributed computing, database technology, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, pattern recognition, data mining, high-performance computing, and big data analytics. The students may have two options for the term project in this course: implementation-based and application-based. The students can, based on their preference, choose either one. Moreover, the students also may present papers as the final term project.
本科目教學目標Course Objectives:
教學型態Teaching Models: 成績考核方式Grading:
實習(校內、校外) ,其他  平時成績General Performance:25%
期中考Midterm Exam:25%
期末考Final exam:25%
其它 Other:專題實作25%,缺課超過一次後每次扣總分二分
課程匯入時間Import Time:2020-01-17 14:56:52
最後更新時間Last Modified:,更新人modified by: