開課班級Class: 授課教師Teacher: 學分數Credits:
碩生技一A 徐志宏 2
課程大綱Course Description:
English Outline:
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of biochemistry unique to plants. Individual topics include photosynthesis, respiration, nitrogen assimilation, lipid metabolism, cell wall formation, and biosynthesis of plant hormones and secondary metabolites.
本科目教學目標Course Objectives:
教學型態Teaching Models: 成績考核方式Grading:
課堂教學+實習 (校內、校外)+遠距輔助教學(同步、非同步)  平時成績General Performance:50%
期中考Midterm Exam:25%
期末考Final exam:25%
其它 Other:平時成績包含出缺勤狀況及作業
書名:Journal Articles, 版本:, 作者:, 出版商:, 網址連結:http://
書名:Plant Biochemistry, 版本:Fourth Edition, 作者:Hans-Walter Heldt and Birgit Piechulla, 出版商:Elsevier Inc., 網址連結:http://
書名:Plant Metabolism and Biotechnology, 版本:1st edition, 作者:Hiroshi Ashihara (Editor), Alan Crozier (Co-Editor), Atsushi Komamine (Co-Editor), 出版商:John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 網址連結:http://
書名:From Plant Genomics to Plant Biotechnology, 版本:1st edition, 作者:P. Poltronieri, N. Burbulis and C. Fogher, 出版商:Elsevier Inc., 網址連結:http://
課程匯入時間Import Time:2022-01-04 14:56:19
最後更新時間Last Modified:2022-02-07 09:22:25,更新人modified by:徐志宏