
  • 1. 02月 19日 - 02月 25日

    Week 1 Course Introduction: Relationship between Citizen Participation and Sustainable City?

    All late assignments or exams are subject to 20 points of reduction! Please be mindful of the assignment or exam deadline. 

    • 2. 02月 26日 - 03月 3日

      I.              Why Citizen Participation is Needed?


      Week 2.  Thin vs Thick Democracy

      • 3. 03月 4日 - 03月 10日

        Week 3.  Citizen Participation Theoretical Evolution

        • 4. 03月 11日 - 03月 17日

          II   Sustainable City International Policies and Citizen Participation Perspective

          Agriculture waste expert talk (30 mins) 


          Week 4. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)

          If you have great feedback about sustainable city, feel free to email me you idea (500 words in English) and I will post them on https://www.facebook.com/PTechSDG

          One sharing = 1 extra point for your final exam grade, maximum add 5 points. ( 5 sharing) 

          • 5. 03月 18日 - 03月 24日

            Week 5 Biodiversity and Science-Policy Platform (IPBES)

            No Class this week, please go to interview your farmer for Midterm Report and submit your interview plan (15%)

            • 6. 03月 25日 - 03月 31日

              Week 6 Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI)

              • 7. 04月 1日 - 04月 7日

                Week 7 Debate on Commons and its Variance

                National holiday! No class 

                An ideal Denmark sustainable city example - what kind of commons do they use and share? 


                • 8. 04月 8日 - 04月 14日

                  Week 8 Environmental Governance and Institutions

                  • 9. 04月 15日 - 04月 21日

                    No class

                    Please upload your Midterm group report (30%): 

                    interview report (3 pages in English and Chinese - direct translation with at least one interview photo, due April 25 )

                    Go as a group to interview a farmer 

                    - do you have any agricultural waste

                    - what do you do with the waste now? 

                    - what do you think the waste can be turned into useful resource?  

                    - In literature, what are some innovations that can turn the agricultural waste mentioned in interview into resource? 

                    • 10. 04月 22日 - 04月 28日

                      III.              Sustainable City Sub-Goals and Citizen Participation Cases


                      Week 10 SDG 11.1 Safe and Affordable Housing

                      Nature Documentary Watching Event with meeting the Director: Big Little Journeys 

                      《 #小動物的生命奇蹟》Big Little Journeys
                      座談人: Henry Lin 林亨利 (野生動物紀錄片導演)
                      時間:04/25(四)13:30 – 15:30
                      地點:圖書與會展館4樓的第一國際會議廳,場地禁止飲食。 Library 4F 1st International Meeting Room
                      活動時間從13點開放報到,13點30分準時開始預計15點30分結束。 13:00 registration 13:30 official opening of film 
                      要麻煩老師提醒學生攜帶學生證,本活動將採電子報到,感應學生證報到。Please bring your student ID for an electronic sign in system 


                      • 本週

                        11. 04月 29日 - 05月 5日

                        Week 11 SDG 11.2 Affordable and Sustainable Transport Systems

                        • 12. 05月 6日 - 05月 12日

                          Week 12 SDG 11.3 Inclusive and Sustainable Urbanization

                          • 13. 05月 13日 - 05月 19日

                            Week 13 SDG 11.4 Protect the World’s Cultural and Natural Heritage

                            • 14. 05月 20日 - 05月 26日

                              Week 14 SDG 11.5 Reduce the Adverse Effects of Natural Disasters

                              Assignment 15% 

                              • 15. 05月 27日 - 06月 2日

                                Week 15 SDG 11.6 Reduce the Environmental Impacts of Cities

                                please fill in teaching evaluation form:http://css.npust.edu.tw/tes/chineseindex.aspx

                                • 16. 06月 3日 - 06月 9日

                                  Week 16 SDG 11.7 Provide Access to Safe and Inclusive Green and Public Spaces

                                  • 17. 06月 10日 - 06月 16日

                                    No class 

                                    Online Final Exam (30%)

                                    • 18. 06月 17日 - 06月 23日

                                      No class

                                      Please check your Final exam grading online and upload your online self-evaluation 

                                      online self-evaluation (10%)