Weekly outline



  • 2. 18 September - 24 September


    • 3. 25 September - 1 October

      老年語言研究的兩大領域簡介: 傳播學領域、社會語言學領域

      • 4. 2 October - 8 October


        • 5. 9 October - 15 October


          • 6. 16 October - 22 October

            研究文章閱讀與探討seminar (指定文章課前一週給: comparative study of UK and TW media representations of older people using grounded theory

            • 7. 23 October - 29 October

              研究方法簡介: 內容分析法 (理論介紹)  研究方法簡介: 內容分析法 (操作與文章討論)

              • 8. 30 October - 5 November

                老人與媒體建構 (社會語言學領域): older age identity as constructed in dating ads   

                • 9. 6 November - 12 November

                  week 9 : a pilot study using content analysis: look for 20 TV ads (of your interest) to analyze representations of various kinds of older people (of your choice), by following Chen, 2015's study and her coding manual, list your youtube sources of the samples (hyperlinks), report your topic, your analysis (freuqncy in tables and descriptions of statistics), coding categories (operational definitions) and present possible explanations of the pattenrs  in your words (i.e. ideological effects and why such patterns can be found). in a short essay of fewer than 500 words. you can work as a pair sharing the same set of data but report your intercoder agreement level in your respectively written essay (this will be fun if you try) 

                  • 10. 13 November - 19 November

                    從傳播學、社會心理學領域研究跨世代溝通 basic conceps: communicaiton accommodation theory, studies on communication perceptions of intergenerational communication in communicaiton and social psychological disciplines 研究案例介紹: topic selection and satisfaction in grandparent-grandchild talks

                    • 11. 20 November - 26 November

                      從傳播學、社會心理學領域研究跨世代溝通 basic conceps: communicaiton accommodation theory, studies on communication perceptions of intergenerational communication in communicaiton and social psychological disciplines 研究案例介紹: topic selection and satisfaction in grandparent-grandchild talks

                      • 12. 27 November - 3 December

                        社會語言學領域看跨世代對話    (略談對話分析法) basic concepts:  painful-self-disclosure; self-disenfranchisement; social functions of age-telling strategies;  young-old talks versus old-old talks (conversation analysis)

                        • 13. 4 December - 10 December

                          研究案例介紹與閱讀: 老青對話分析: 大學生與陌生老人之間的對話開啟機制、針對特定主題的回應方法、老年人的Age-telling

                          • 14. 11 December - 17 December


                            • 15. 18 December - 24 December


                              銀髮旅遊與廣告宣傳文本設計 (英國案例) 

                              • 16. 25 December - 31 December

                                銀髮旅遊與廣告宣傳文本設計 (英國案例) 

                                Critical reading of  skin care products and cultural representation of older age (Justine Coupland) (representation of older age, sociolinguitic appraoch)

                                • 17. 1 January - 7 January

                                  week 17: oral report on your reserach findings (a small scale)   請針對整學期介紹的研究方法、不同領域的老年語言研究主題,選擇自己有興趣的部分進行小規模實證研究,並將研究結果與大家分享(請用PPT介紹)

                                  • 18. 8 January - 14 January

                                    week 18:  final report  submit an essay of your findings (1000-1500 words)