Weekly outline



  • 1. 21 February - 27 February

    Introduction: (1) Course designs; (2) Course of experiments; (3) Miterm exam and  final exam

    • 2. 28 February - 6 March

      Mouse anatomy, pathological, and diagnosis techniques I- abdomen: (1) Abdomen anatomy skill; (2) Abdomen organ dissection; (3) Abdomen vascular injection; (4) Abdomen echo skills; (5) Abdomen echo-guided injection; (6) Abdomen X-ray analysis; (7) Abdomen MRI analysis

      • 3. 7 March - 13 March

        Mouse anatomy, pathological, and diagnosis techniques II- lung : (1) Lung anatomy skill; (2) Lung dissection; (3) Lung vascular injection; (4) Lung echo skills; (5) Lung echo-guided injection; (6) Lung X-ray analysis; (7) Lung MRI analysis (8)  Bronchoalceolar lavage,BAL (9) Surgical skills of lung

        • 4. 14 March - 20 March

          Mouse anatomy, pathological, and diagnosis techniques III- heart : (1) Heart anatomy skill; (2) Heart dissection; (3) Heart vascular injection; (4)Heart echo skills; (5) Heart echo-guided injection; (6) Heart X-ray analysis; (7) Heart MRI analysis (8)  Surgical skills of corona atery

          • 5. 21 March - 27 March

            Mouse anatomy, pathological, and diagnosis techniques III- Liver : (1) Liver anatomy skill; (2) Liver dissection; (3) Liver vascular injection; (4)Liver echo skills; (5) Liver echo-guided injection; (6) Liver CT analysis; (7) Liver infectiion analysis and diagonosis (8)  Surgical skills of portal vein (10) Fatty liver analysis and diagonosis 

            • 6. 28 March - 3 April

              GMP course of animal vaccine and stand operation procedures in vaccine commercialization 

              • 8. 11 April - 17 April

                GMP course of animal vaccine and stand operation procedures in vaccine commercialization 

                • 10. 25 April - 1 May

                  1. Safety specifications for non-clinical trials of drugs 2. Safety assessment data for all new drugs entering human clinical trials, including: (1) Non-clinical animal test data, which can be deduced from the actual effects of the drug (2) Clinical trial data or Proof of drug use in other countries. 3. Non-clinical safety trials include (1) safety pharmacology trials. (2) Toxicological test. 3. Pharmacological tests. 4. Pharmacodynamics tests: studies to evaluate the pharmacological effects, mechanisms of action, dose-response relationships, etc. of drugs in major organs (cardiovascular, central nervous system and respiratory system), and the test results are the basis for the development of this drug. 5. Pharmacokinetics test: To study the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs. Animal tests must be carried out before drugs enter human trials. The pharmacokinetic data obtained can be used as guidelines for the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs in the human body during the first phase of clinical trials (human pharmacological trials) for comparison of animal test results

                  • 11. 2 May - 8 May

                    Explain the animal model (animal model) refers to a disease or a specific life phenomenon that occurs in a certain animal, either spontaneously or artificially induced, as a mechanism for understanding the occurrence of the disease or the specific life phenomenon in humans. At the same time, the related experimental techniques, pathological experimental analysis, and related research literature will be discussed and studied in the classroom.

                    • 12. 9 May - 15 May

                      1. 本周實施線上教學演練- 請同學閱讀講義與觀閱教學影片

                      2. 上課時間以本課程聊天室簽到、線上互動或提問回答

                      3. 即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應(Real-time Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction,簡稱Q-PCR )。Q-PCR技術利用專一的Primer probe(引子探針)會在PCR(聚合酶連鎖反應)過程中產生螢光,再利用螢光偵測系統(Ex.ABI 7900HT Detection system)來偵測每個循環(cycle)所釋放出的螢光量,進而推算出每個循環所產生的產物含量,達到即時定量的目的。目前使用的探針有分成Non-Specific(非特異性)及Specific(特異性)兩大類。Non-specific chemistry detector與SYBR Green:其特性是不會與單股DNA (single-strand DNA, ssDNA)結合,僅會與雙股DNA(double-strand DNA, dsDNA) 結合。PCR過程:原始的DNA樣本會先受熱形成單股的DNA,接著引子進行專一性的結合形成雙股DNA,此時SYBR Green會與雙股DNA進行結合,然後釋放螢光,進而被螢光系統偵測。 螢光的訊號則是在每個循環中的annealing或elongation階段被偵測;藉由偵測到的螢光強度回推樣本的含量。SNP genotyping 是針對 SNP 位置設計 2 組 probe,這兩組 probe 除了 SNP 序列差異外,也分別在 這 2 組 Probe 上標定不同螢光(Ex: FAM & VIC)。若待測物為 Homozygous Wild Type or Homozygous Mutant,則只有其中 1 組 probe 能偵測的到;如果是 Heterozygous,則 2 組 probe 可同時偵測得到target gene。SNP genotyping 常應用於遺傳疾病偵測或是族群研究。

                      4. 請在聊天室以簡短文字分享敘述你個人研究實驗中會運用到Real Time PCR檢驗的部分。


                      • 13. 16 May - 22 May

                        本周實施線上教學演練- 請同學閱讀講義




                        • 14. 23 May - 29 May

                          本周實施線上教學- 請同學閱讀講義





                        • 15. 30 May - 5 June


                          本周實施線上教學- 請同學閱讀討論區貼文



                          A. 實驗動物檢驗分析採取手術時機

                          1. 靜脈置管給藥 2. 活體器官採檢 3. 建構動物疾病模式 4. 殖入新型醫材 

                          B. 實驗動物手術的原則

                          1.  對實驗動物進行適當的術前和術後護理

                          2.  使用無菌程序進行,包括無菌手套、口罩、無菌器械和無菌技術。

                          3.  實施良好手術技術: 

                           (1)無菌管理、(2) 正確組織處理、(3) 確保最小範圍手術區域、(3) 正確使用手術器械、 (4) 手術過程確保有效止血、(5) 正確使用縫合材料和縫合法



                        • 16. 6 June - 12 June

                          本周實施線上教學- 請同學閱讀討論區貼文



                          1. 分享哈佛大學醫學院教學醫院小鼠醫院的介紹投影片,讓同學了解將小鼠醫學的應用與發展,是將動物檢驗分析技術的終極目標,將小鼠視為住院與試驗病患,運用人類醫學科技完成精準、精緻、人性化的動物實驗。


                        • 17. 13 June - 19 June

                          動物試驗檢驗分析期末情境思考問題,可在WORD檔上作答,或是手寫後掃描成PDF,請同學作答後,6/26 前回傳至 cch1120@mail.npust.edu.tw