


  • 2. 02月 28日 - 03月 6日

    American Protest Folk Music

    Pete Seeger

    Song: Where Have All the Flowers Gone

  • 3. 03月 7日 - 03月 13日

    Element of Music: Rhythm

    Meter, Syncopation

  • 4. 03月 14日 - 03月 20日

    The beginnings of Jazz

    Black history month,USA

    Louis Armstrong

    Reminder: there's no class on March 24, due to school's sports game opening ceremony on the evening.

  • 5. 03月 21日 - 03月 27日

    Reminder: there's no class on March 24, due to school's sports game opening ceremony on the evening. However, you may preview these class materials of your own free will.

    • 6. 03月 28日 - 04月 3日

      Louis Armstrong

      Jazz Music, Straight eighths vs. Swing eighths

      Song: What A Wonderful World

    • 7. 04月 4日 - 04月 10日

      Element of Music: Melody

      Pentatonic Scale

      Debussy: La fille aux cheveux de lin (a girl with golden hair)

      NPUST Prose Reading Competition for International and Local NPUST Students: Recite for 愛

      Students who enter this competition will only need to submit 5 summaries for our class' assessment.

    • 8. 04月 11日 - 04月 17日

      Capriccio Italien


    • 9. 04月 18日 - 04月 24日

      Summaries self-review: no class meeting

      2022 International Cultural Day (Monday, April 25) will be postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing measures. This activity will be rescheduled and announced.

      • 10. 04月 25日 - 05月 1日

        TED talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/itay_talgam_lead_like_the_great_conductors

        by Itay Talgam

        Cheklist: Did the speaker….

        1.Engage and interest the audience;

        2.Explain complex ideas clearly and coherently;

        3.Develop an argument in a logical, coherent, and engaging way;

        4.Present views based on reason and evidence;

        5.Include an effective opening that arrests the interest of the audience;

        6.Include an effective close that leaves an impact on the viewer;

        7.Use precise and concise language;

        8.Use engaging vocal delivery and professional visual aids;

        9.Show confidence and passion through appropriate use of body language.

      • 11. 05月 2日 - 05月 8日

        Argentina: Tango

        Astor Piazzolla

        Final Individual Presentations: Mini TED talk (2 minutes, 4 slides)

        Topics: choose one related topic from Dr. Chiang's lectures (see contents of PPT, W2~W12)

      • 12. 05月 9日 - 05月 15日

        因應本校於5/9~5/22實施遠距教學, 今日(5/12)課程採線上同步遠距教學,Google Meet線上會議室將於13:20開放, 13:30準時上課, 並請遵守線上上課基本禮儀, 感謝配合!

        Spain: Flamenco

      • 13. 05月 16日 - 05月 22日

        因應本校於5/9~5/22實施遠距教學, 今日(5/19)課程採線上同步遠距教學,Google Meet線上會議室將於13:20開放, 13:30準時上課, 並請遵守線上上課基本禮儀, 感謝配合!

        Sara Baras: The Queen of Flamenco

        Do's and Don'ts in making presentation PPT

      • 14. 05月 23日 - 05月 29日

        Presentation practice and preparation: speech script, slides, pronunciation

      • 15. 05月 30日 - 06月 5日

        Presentation practice and preparation: speech script, slides, pronunciation

      • 16. 06月 6日 - 06月 12日

        Final Individual Presentation: Mini TED talk (2 minutes, 4 slide)

        Each student should present their own Mini TED talk in class.

      • 17. 06月 13日 - 06月 19日

        Final Individual Presentation: Mini TED talk (2 minutes, 4 slide)

        Each student should present their own Mini TED talk in class.