1、 Course content (1) In teaching, research results of introducing the Minnan and Hakka's group to every special topic , such as society , culture , history , architecture , language , faith , diet , folkways and customs , music opera of the ethnicity ,etc. mainly, train students to set up the rudimentary knowledge which study the culture history of Taiwan. (2) In teaching material, choose the suitable documents and materials and relevant theory for student to study . 2、Purpose of This Course (1) Analyse the Minnan and Hakka's group in history , historical relic , custom , characteristic of the ethnicity ,etc., and then train students to respect , appreciate the accomplishment ability of other culture , promote the interest that students explore to the plural culture in Taiwan. (2) Recommend classmates to understand the difference between two major ethnicities in the Minnan and Hakka's group, know the historical background , meaning and question of the Minnan and Hakka's culture from it. (3) This knows the content of course openly, have basically nature , entity , pluralism , combining and guiding. This course aims at leading university students to be engaged in the research of Taiwan , the ABC of course which the Hakkas study in the future. 3、Course Outline (1)﹑Culture history research theory and method in Taiwan﹔(2)﹑History and culture﹔(3)﹑The source and course is with move cultivating﹔(4)﹑Family and Clanship;(5)﹑Gather falling and economy﹔(6)﹑Traditional building﹔(7)﹑Dialect language﹔(8)﹑Folk faith﹔(9)﹑Cooking culture﹔(10)﹑Years old season celebrating﹔(11)﹑Life etiquette and custom﹔(12)﹑Music opera﹔(13)﹑Woman and marriage。 4、Teaching tactics Through telling the teaching materials , PPT and panel discussion way , build the interdynamic teaching atmosphere; Building and constructing the network platform separately, deepen and teach after class, one can explain the puzzle further for classmates.